Project 3
Effectiveness of frontline health workers and strengthening primary health care system for delivery of PEN interventions for prevention and control of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases in South Asia.
Our aim is to develop and evaluate platforms for training and care-co-ordination by primary health care (PHC) teams in South Asia, to improve prevention of T2D and CVD. We will use a pragmatic non-randomized trial to quantify the impact of our interventions on clinical, health system and health economic outcomes, taking advantage of the established Health Observatories in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
To achieve this, we are conducting a literature search on current programmes, policy documents training manuals, guidelines and care pathways for prevention of T2D and CVD that are directly relevant to primary health care for CVD and T2D. This will be followed up by a small number of semi-structured interviews with key informants such as policy makers and health administrators overseeing program delivery as well as service providers (including at the community level) and their clients. Additionally, we will conduct baseline assessment of NCD service availability and readiness of the PHC system at a representative sample of the study sites using WHO and USAID developed service availability and readiness assessment (SARA) tools customized for collecting data related to T2D and CVD (SARA-NCD). Finally, we will be integrating findings to describe diabetes and CVD related health services context using the health system building blocks approach (service delivery, health workforce, health information system, access to essential medicines, financing and leadership/ governance). All the work undertaken will be aligned with key stakeholders to refine and agree the design and implementation of the interventions planned for strengthening of PHC in the current project, including the care pathways.
Service organisation mapping
A technical report that summarises the mapping of current service organisation, human resource capacity and availability of health facilities for addressing CVD and T2D prevention and management and relevant policies and strategies, including guidelines and care pathways for prevention and management of T2D and CVD in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
NCD training programmes strengthening
Country specific (for India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh respectively) technical reports to be disseminated amongst key stakeholders. The reports summarize the importance of strengthening existing NCD training programmes for PHC teams, for the effective delivery of the healthcare interventions recommended for the prevention of T2D and CVD, our approach towards identifying the potential gaps in the current NCD training programmes for PHC teams, future directions and implications.
India: SA2 Report – India (pdf)
Sri Lanka: SA2 report – Sri Lanka (pdf)
Bangladesh: SA2 Report – Bangladesh (pdf)
Training material
Country specific (for India) Enhanced training material for the PHC team, covering skills pertaining to Lifestyle intervention and behaviour change skills and Care delivery skills. The material will be adapted to each context, translated into local languages and includes tools such as flipcharts and posters and any other supplementary materials such as presentations to aid the delivery of the PHC trainings.
Skill development for prevention and control of T2D and CVD by PHC teams in India
The short video clip summarizes the importance of strengthening existing NCD training programmes for PHC teams, for the effective delivery of the healthcare interventions recommended for the prevention of T2D and CVD, our approach towards identifying the potential gaps in the current NCD training programmes for PHC teams, future directions and implications.
Lifestyle intervention and behaviour change skills
A sample video used as a teaching tool for Lifestyle intervention and behaviour change skills, to aid the delivery of the PHC trainings.